
Vessel of P&O Cruises


P&O Cruises

MS Ventura is a ‘Grand Class’ cruise ship from P&O Cruises. Upon its arrival in April 2008, this was the largest cruise ship built for the British market. The Ventura can accommodate 3100 passengers and has 1550 cabins, of which around 60% have their own balcony. The ship has fourteen public decks, eight restaurants, six boutiques, five swimming pools and three lounges, including the largest theater on a British cruise ship. Unique to the ship is that the passengers can also walk in front of the ship, which is not possible on other P&O ships.

Upcoming arrivals in Amsterdam

ArrivalDepartureType of call
Thursday 17 April 5:15 PMFriday 18 April 11:59 PM
Wednesday 11 June 5:15 PMThursday 12 June 11:59 PM
Wednesday 09 July 5:15 PMThursday 10 July 11:59 PM
Tuesday 02 December 5:15 PMWednesday 03 December 11:59 PM
Wednesday 31 December 8:00 AMThursday 01 January 5:30 PM

* the arrival and departure times are specified by the agent as a guideline. These can deviate.

Other ships from this shipping company





Cruise ship RES2023010230 - P&O Cruises

Length289 meter
Passengers 3106
Number of decks18

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